PatchPro® IoT & Business Intelligence (BI)

PatchPro® IoT & Business Intelligence (BI)

It’s About the Data – Access, and Leverage Key Metrics within your Enterprise

PatchPro® is database-driven, all regions, objects, and assets are converted into objects on the database with unique attributes and information. This is not only an incredibly powerful application for asset management, but also for business intelligence and data analytics, as the data is stored in easily accessible database tables, either SQL or Oracle, that connect the data sources to business intelligence (BI) applications such as Microsoft Power BI.

Model powerful analytics from the data from your digital enterprise, bench-mark sites, regions, departments, assets, square meters, free for used space, cost centers, human capital experience, expertise, and education. PatchPro® is fully customizable, utilize this feature to create the custom fields critical to your analytics outputs.

IoT intelligent devices monitoring, measuring, sensing, tracking or feeding data of any kind on your network, easily connect to the database through SNMP protocols. Other serial devices RS232, RS422, and RS485 can be integrated too using gateways and the PatchPro® API plugin.

This makes PatchPro® a powerful application for an enterprise to add and unlock value, building smart assets that produce real-time critical operational data specific to the organization’s requirements.

Automate, monitor and measure with edge devices on site and on your network.

  • Power, water, fuel and data consumption
  • Real-time monitoring and sensing
  • Predictive maintenance

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Engineered by: NJIN Agency
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